My weekly digest 29/12/19

Weekly digest, is hopefully a series of weekly(duh) posts, summarizing what I've read during that week

Interesting articles

Putin’s Killers in Europe: How Russian Agents Hunt Down Kremlin Opponents - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International
A secret Russian death squad appears to be killing Moscow’s enemies in the West in an effort to destabilize Europe. Perpetrators with connections to the Russian government appear to be responsible for the slaying of a Georgian national in Berlin. By DER SPIEGEL Staff
A very fascinating investigative report by SPIEGEL and Bellingcat about the Kremlin killers in Europe
It Seemed Like a Popular Chat App. It’s Secretly a Spy Tool.
ToTok, an Emirati messaging app that has been downloaded to millions of phones, is the latest escalation of a digital arms race.
A recurring tale of an undemocratic Goverment in the 21th century
A Science-Based Case for Ending the Porn Epidemic
They say the first step is admitting you have a problem. I think many readers of this article will respond with outrage, and many will see it says things they already knew to be true—and I think these two groups will largely overlap. The most powerful obstacle to confronting a destructive addiction …
"Porn is as addictive as smoking, or more, except that what smoking does to your lungs, porn does to your brain"
China Uses DNA to Map Faces, With Help From the West
Secret speeches and leaked government documents reveal how Chinese officials carried out the systematic internment of as many as a million people.
The Nazis measured people's skulls to figure out who was a Jew. The Chinese government is now using DNA testing and technology to hunt Uyghur Muslims. It's absolutely horrifying.
Vice News: Re. the Uyghur Muslims by China

Funny tweets